Saturday, December 12, 2009


So today was my first day at site. Btw, i'm located right in the middle of mozambique, in the Buzi district of the Sofala province. The river Buzi actually divides our town in half, but i live on the larger and more central part. Many of my students will come from the other side and have to take a raft across. I haven't yet explored too much of the town because it's been raining, but i've had quite a few visitors, and everytime they like to chat right outside my door for like 15 to 30 minutes. Mozambicans are very welcoming. I've had former students, other teachers, and neighbors come by, and they all seem very nice. The town itself is located in the middle of nowhere but is a good size town with a decent market. When peace corps dropped me off with my luggage, we had to get off the main road and drive on this dirt path for like 40 minutes. Nothing but farmland and grass. So much like the texas country, but still beautiful. It was so rediculously hot last night that it was quite difficult for me to sleep, even with the fan blowing on me all night. Thank goodness it started raining and cooled off a bunch today. It felt great to go to the market and buy and cook my own food. Since we're by the river, there are lots of fish, but from what i've seen, the're all small and bony. I'm not adventurous enough to cook it yet, but i also know they sell frozen chicken here. Kind of a bummer since i wanted to kill my own chicken but i'm sure that will come with time. Today i made sauteed vegetables and omelette. Also am glad they sell bananas, apple, and mangos here but i wish there were other fruits. Ok. More later when i've explored more, but so far so good. I'm excited to get started.


  1. heehee kill your own chicken...u have to get a picture of that...i'd like to see =)

  2. i literally read ur blog about the bathroom incident 5 times. lol. i like how u went into detail about it... kinda reminds me of 2 girls 1 cup... well... without the sex part anyway.

    try 2 post pics after u've explored the site more n killed sum chickens =)
